Consciousness (4)

Scientists often adopt hushed and almost embarrassed tones in referring to consciousness, since it represents a major challenge to the materialist schema into which all facets of human life "should" be able to be fitted. They are loath to acknowledge that the problem rests with the Procrustean, one-size-fits-all schema they support.Taking Leave of Darwin, 72

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It is not even possible to imagine a theoretical pathway leading to how consciousness could have come about by natural selection -- which is one reason why leading scientists in the field, such as Susan Blackmore, have found it threatening to the Darwinian paradigm.Taking Leave of Darwin, 72

682      2024-03-30     0
consciousness is ultimately unobservable to science. If this outspoken atheistic neuroscientist admits the opacity of consciousness to science, how in the world can we then claim that neuroscience can explain a particular experience of consciousness?

524      2024-01-29     0

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