Eschatology (7)

No longer are the people of Israel to be thought of exclusively as constituting the chosen race--the Jewish-Gentile Church is now God's chosen race. The Bible and the Future

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The verdict of the final judgement is declared in advance for those who belong to Jesus Christ, and on the day of judgement that verdict will be proclaimed to the world. What is remarkable is that believers enjoy now the end-time verdict. Believers have assurance of salvation by faith alone because the verdict of the final day is already theirs!Faith Alone by Thomas Schreiner Copyright ©2015 by Schreiner. Used by permission of HarperCollins Christian Publishing., 152

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In mid-nineteenth century Protestant Ontario, millenarianism raised its head again in the form of the exported Irvingite movement (named after the English millenial preacher Edward Irving) and in the even more disruptive Millerites -followers of the converted American deist William Miller (by this point a Baptist), whose detailed calculations from biblical prophecy had him predicting the end of the world in the years 1843 or 1844, followed by a literal millennial (that is, thousand-year) reign. This eventually led to the founding of the Seventh Day Adventist church. This was quickly followed in the 1860s by the dispensationalist millennial crusade of J.N. Darby and C.I. Schofield, a movement emerging from the Plymouth Brethren in EnglandMission of God, 85

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For Augustine and the entire medieval period, the thousand-year reign of Revelation 20, like many uses of numbers in Revelation, was symbolic. This text, for them, was in fact dealing with the whole period between Christ's first and second advents at the end of history.The Mission of God, 83

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Prior to 1914, many liberal Protestants believed that God was intimately involved in earthly affairs, and was guiding the faithful in creating the Kingdom of God on earth through the teachings of Jesus and the movements of the Holy Spirit. During the 1920s and 1930s, however, the twin realities of war and economic depression had raised fresh questions about whether these claims were true.The United Church of Canada, 59

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Christ shall sometime be no longer the interposed Mediator, but the natural Head of the human race in gloryPrinciples of Sacred Theology, 372

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