Gnosticism (5)

It is astonishingly ironic that Christianity's tremendous teaching regarding the value of women - their equality with men in standing before God and the honor given their role as mothers and wives - is ignored by so many who oppose the faith, yet those same people will embrace sources such as this [Gospel of Thomas] that are so patently anti-woman in their viewpoint.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (pp. 130-131). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

1.4K      2017-01-22     0
The opponents of Gnosticism all recognized that the root of the problem lay in the opposition the Gnostics made between God the Father and the creator, whom they regarded as an inferior being.God Has Spoken, 130

1K      2016-07-26     0
"Gnostic" is the name now used to describe people who believed that the pathway to salvation lay through esoteric knowledge that was given only to a few enlightened ones, who were truly spiritual... The rest remained unspiritual, or "soulish"... and of course they were the great majority, even within the church.God Has Spoken (122)

1K      2016-07-26     0
The apostles were horrified and urged Simon to repent of his wickedness, which he apparently did. No more is heard of him in the New Testament, but a century later he was credited with having invented a creation myth that had become the origin of the so-called Gnostics.God Has Spoken (122)

1K      2016-07-26     0

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