Heresy (7)

The debate over heresy is a struggle to specify the legitimate boundaries of the worshiping community. That it is a necessary struggle is widely acknowledged: even tolerationists who rule the word heresy out of bounds (as if it were alien to polite discourse) are themselves asserting a boundary. Absurdly, they are implicitly ascknowledging the need for boundary-definition in ruling boundary-making out of bounds!The Rebirth of Orthodoxy, 131

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Jude classifies the heretics as "people . . . relying on their dreams" (v. 8), that is, mystics who claimed to enjoy privileged access to esoteric knowledge.The Heresy of Orthodoxy

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Heresy is usually quite sophisticated, actually has a meaning, and is to be taken very seriously. It is therefore to be carefully distinguished from turgid, pretentious, badly-written Bullsgeshichte, to use the technical German theological term.

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If you ask for change, someone philosophizes to you on the Begotten and the Unbegotten. If you ask the price of bread, you are told, 'The Father is Greater, and the Son inferior.' If you ask 'Is the bath ready?' someone answers 'The Son was created from nothingOn the Deity of the Son and Holy Spirit

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Heresy is not so much rejecting as selecting. The heretic simply selects the parts of the Scripture he wants to emphasize and lets the rest go. This is shown by the etymology of the word heresy and by the practice of the heretic. "Beware," an editorial scribe of the fourteenth century warned his readers in the preface to a book. "Beware thou take not one thing after thy affection and liking, and leave another: for that is the condition of an heretique. But take everything with other." The old scribe knew well how prone we are to take to ourselves those parts of the truth that please us and ignore the other parts. And that is heresy.We Travel An Appointed Way

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What used to be regarded as heresy is the new orthodoxy of the day, and the only heresy that remains is orthodoxy itself.The Heresy of Orthodoxy

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