Hospitality (5)

Practicing hospitality in our post-Christian world means that you develop thick skin. The hospitable meet people as strangers and invite them to become neighbors, and, by God's grace, many will go on to become part of the family of God. This transition from stranger to neighbor to family does not happen naturally but only with intent and grit and sacrifice and God's blessing.The Gospel comes with a house key, 62

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Because of the blood of Christ, because Jesus dined with sinners but did not sin with sinners, because repentance is the threshold to God, table fellowship is both comforting and challenging. It meets you where you are and asks you to die so that you can live.The Gospel comes with a house key, 62

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we, the well-known conservative Christians on the block, run a house that from the outside looks like a Christian commune. And we do not believe that this is excessive. We believe this is what the Bible calls normal. We believe that Christians are called to live as the family of God and to draw strangers and neighbors in, with food and bended knee, beseesching God's grace to pour out on those who do not yet know the Lord and to to encourage and uplift and fuel those who do.The Gospel comes with a house key

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we believe that radically ordinary hospitality depends on the family of God knowing where to gather, knowing how to be organic and spontaneous with Scripture and open arms. And we do it because the purpose of radically ordinary hospitality is to take the hand of a stranger and put it in the hand of the Savior, to bridge hostile worlds, and to add to the family of God.The Gospel comes with a house key

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