He is a simple, uncompounded Being, without diverse members, and altogether like, and equal to himself, since He is wholly understanding, and wholly spirit, and wholly thought, and wholly intelligence, and wholly reason, and wholly hearing, and wholly seeing, and wholly light, and the whole source of all that is good.
By transgressing God's commandment, we became his enemies. Therefore, in the last times, the Lord has restored us to his friendship through his incarnation. He has become the Mediator between God and man, propitiating the Father against whom we have sinned. He has cancelled our disobedience by his obedience and conferred upon us the gift of communion with, and subjection to, our MakerAdversus omnes haereses 5.17.1
I ought to begin with the most important point, which is that God the Creator made heaven and earth and everything in them... and demonstrate that there is nothing above him or behind him, as well as that he made everything of his own free will, uninfluenced by anyone else. He is the only God, the only Lord, the only Creator, the only Father, the only one who contains all things and who commanded everything else to come into existence. How can there be any other fullness, principle, power, or god above him, since it is necessary for God, who is the fullness of all these things, to contain them in his immensity without being himself contained by anyone?Adversus omnes haereses 2.1.1-2
the righteous fathers had the meaning of the Decalogue written in their hearts and souls, that is, they loved the God who made them, and did no injury to their neighbour.
The words of the Decalogue... remain permanently with us, receiving by means of his advent in the flesh, extension and increase, but not abrogation.Against Heresies
Not a single thing that has been made, or that will be made, escapes the knowledge of God. Through his providence, every thing has received its nature, rank, number, and uniqueness. Nothing has come about by accident or for no purpose. Everything has been made with exact appropriateness and by the exercise of transcendent knowledge.Adversus omnes haereses 5.22.2