Lordship (5)

You cannot have Christ for your Savior unless you also have Him as your Lord.

473      2024-01-14     0
Christ not man is King

1K      2020-12-14     0
I confess also to being rather perplexed about the recent controversy in evangelical circles over lordship salvation.25 The question concerns whether confessing the lordship of Christ is necessary at the beginning of the Christian life, or whether it can be postponed until a later time. But the lordship of Jesus is absolutely fundamental to the preaching of the gospel in the NT. It is inconceivable that anyone could respond appropriately to that gospel without confessing from the heart that Jesus is Lord (Rom. 10:9-10). To acknowledge the lordship of Christ is not, of course, to be sinlessly perfect or flawless in one's discipleship. Scripture teaches plainly that sincere believers do sin (1 John 1:8, 10); they act inconsistently with their profession.Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief (Kindle Locations 1462-1468). P&R Publishing. Kindle Edition.

1.4K      2016-05-22     0
The Lord will not save those whom He cannot command. He will not divide His offices. You cannot believe on a half-Christ. We take Him for what He is - the anointed Saviour and Lord who is King of kings and Lord of all lords! He would not be Who He is if He saved us and called us and chose us without the understanding that He can also guide and control our lives.I Call it Heresy (1974, 18-19)

1.4K      2011-08-08     0

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