Monergism (3)

Jesus is able to save not merely make savable.

James White

The Potter's Freedom (240)

The truth that God saves by Himself, by His own power, on the basis of His own will, defines the message of the Reformers.The Potter's Freedom (36)

1.5K      2016-05-22     2
Consider for a moment how precious it is that the Christian can say, "I have been crucified with Christ." This is a personal atonement, personal substitution. We revel in the awesome love of our Savior who loved us as individuals and gave Himself up for us. For me! Me, the hate-filled sinner who spurned Him and His love! How much less glorious is the idea, "Christ loved a generic group and died so as to give them the opportunity to possibly join the group and hence receive certain benefits.The Potter's Freedom (248)

1.5K      2016-05-22     1

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