Patriarchy (9)

Men were made to rule. They always have and always will. Nothing can change that. Nothing will. It is not a question of whether men will be ruling, but which ones and how. This is what patriarchy is: the natural rulership of men. The term comes from Greek and means simply "father rule." It\'s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity (pp. 1-2). Canon Press.

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There is no hint in the Bible that your aggressive instincts are a result of the fall. You are not, in other words, a defective woman. Your desire to conquer and to subdue, to hew down and to build up, to form and to shape, has nothing to do with the curse. It is man's natural, pre-fall, created purpose. You yearn to bend the world to your will because Adam was created to bend the world to his will. Where things go wrong is not with our natural yearnings, but with our wills themselves. Adam was made to exercise his will on behalf of God.It\'s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity (pp. 25). Canon Press.

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The reason that God creates man on the earth, according to Genesis, is for productive, representative rulership. This is what it means to exercise dominion: to fruitfully order the world in God's stead.It\'s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity (pp. 20). Canon Press.

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Because as a man goes, so goes his household; as a household goes, so goes the Church; and as the Church goes, so goes society.It\'s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity (pp. 16). Canon Press.

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Technological and environmental shifts have resulted in men having such low testosterone levels that their grip strength is weaker than that of women from a generation ago. The ubiquity of porn has led to erectile dysfunction in men not even out of their twenties. Social media and dating apps have made the "relational marketplace" so extraordinarily competitive that some men just give upIt\'s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity (pp. 11-12). Canon Press.

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We are living in a world of fatherless males who don't know how to rebuild the walls of society. They have become clueless bastards. They know how to build, explore, and conquer—in video games. They must turn to YouTube to learn how to jump-start a car, tie a half-Windsor knot, and do a push-up. Social skills are even harder for them. They scour the internet to learn how to stand up for themselves, make friends, and talk to women. The knowledge that is normally transmitted from father to son has been lost. They have to rediscover it for themselves.It\'s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity (pp. 11). Canon Press.

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So it is with patriarchy. Male rule is natural, and so it is inevitable—but when it is not governed by God's law, it will be wicked. Because it is natural, it cannot be destroyed—but it can be twisted.It\'s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity (pp. 5). Canon Press.

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Nations are headed by men because they are made up of households that are headed by men. In the same way, before there were churches, there was the original worshipping family—headed by Adam. Churches are headed by men because they are made up of households that are headed by men. Indeed, a man may not rule in the Church unless he can manage his own household well—for how else can he be competent for the greater task of managing the household of faith (1 Tim. 3:4)?It\'s Good to Be a Man: A Handbook for Godly Masculinity (pp. 3). Canon Press.

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