Private Prayer (5)

What food can compare with the hidden mana? Some persons have excellent banquets in their closets. That bread which the saints each in secret, how pleasant it is!

841      2024-04-30     0
Woodruff, an herb of an extraordinary pleasant smell, delighteth in dark and shadowy places; so the Christian, who in company refreseth others with the fragrancy of his graces, loveth sometimes to be obscure and in secret.

745      2024-04-30     0
A believer hath business of great weight, when he withdraweth from the press of the world - it is that he might draw nearer to the Lord.

725      2024-04-30     0
The saint is many times most busy when he hath nothing to do, and may say more truly than Scipio the African, Nunquam minus solus, quam cum solus, I am never less alone than when alone.

697      2024-04-30     0

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