Solitude (8)

If thou wouldst exercise thyself to godliness in solitude, labour to spirtualise earthly things. I must say this is one of the most excellent and enriching arts in Christianity... He hath better than Midas's wish; he turns all he toucheth into better than gold.

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A true lover delights most to visit his friend alone, when he can enjoy privacy with him.

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Naturalists tell us of the Gnomon, commonly called the mariner's needle, that it always will turn to the north star; though it be closed and shut up in a coffer of wood or gold, yet it loseth not its nature. So the true Christian is always looking to the star of Jacob; whether he be shut up in a prison, or shut himself up in his closet, he is ever longing after Jesus Christ.

0.9K      2024-04-30     0

New Quotes

The evil spirit is for solitariness; he walketh in solitary places, seeking rest, Matt. xii. But God is for society; he dwelleth among his children, and bestoweth his choicest com-forts upon the congregations of his poor. The Father provideth the greatest cheer, and maketh the best feast, when many of his children come together to wait upon him, though each coming singly is welcome to his table.

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There is a woe to him that is alone: such a man shall be sure to have Satan for his companion. He is ever ready to assault when none is near to assist. Eve was tempted with too much success when she was alone, without her husband; Dinah, gadding from her father's house, was defiled; Joseph was then assaulted, when the whole family was gone, save the instrument of the assault. How soon are stragglers snapped up, when those that march with the body of the army are safe!

1.6K      2024-06-05     1
if thou dost not exercise thyself to godliness in solitude, thou wilt be in great danger of running into sin, and contracting guilt on thy soul.

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He grieves truly, that weeps without a witness; so it may be said of godliness, He is sincere in his godliness, who is godly in secret.

1K      2024-04-30     0

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