"concursive operation."... It has been common to speak of the Spirit's action in this form of revelation, therefore, as an assistance, a superintendence, a direction, a control, the meaning being that the effect aimed at --the discovery and enunciation of Divine truth --is attained through the action of the human powers --historical research, logical reasoning, ethical thought, religious aspiration --acting not by themselves, however, but under the prevailing assistance, superintendence, direction, control of the Divine Spirit.Inspiration and Authority of the Bible, Ch 1
Men use this to excuse their sin, "it is my nature"; yet this is the greatest aggravation of it. Would this be a good plea for one who has plotted treason, to say, I am naturally a traitor; it is my nature to be treacherous, murderous?Works 1:8
Sophism's challenge helped other Greek philosophers realize that logic and language can make sense only if they come from Logos -the Ground of Reason above the cosmos. Something of Logos must live also in man. This became the foundation of Greek rationalism that fascinated modern Europe. The Greeks were not sure if Logos actually existed. They deemed it to be a necessary assumption if logic is to make any sense.
We have also seen a tremendous rash of the occult appearing as an upper-story hope. Though demons do not fit into modern man's concepts on the basis of his reason, many moderns would rather have demons than be left with the idea that everything in the universe is only one big machine. People put the occult in the upper story of nonreason in the hope of having some kind of meaning, even if it is a horrendous one.How Should We Then Live, 193