Regeneration (6)

God's regenerating power is greater than the strength of the world, hell, or man's wicked heart; he can draw the worst sinners to Christ.The Zealous Christian

564      2024-02-25     0
If you are renewed by grace, and were to meet your old self, I am sure you would be very anxious to get out of his company.

500      2024-01-15     0
In a multitude of cases, and in all cases where regeneration is spoken of, it means the whole soul; that is, it includes the intellect, will, and the conscience as well as the affections. Hence the Bible speaks of the eyes, of the thoughts, of the purposes, of the devices, as well as of the feelings or affections of the heart. In Scriptural language, therefore, a 'new heart' does not mean simply a new state of feeling, but a radical change in the state of the whole soul or interior man.

446      2024-01-10     0
There is no way of deliverance from the state and condition of being in the flesh, but by the Spirit of Christ.

834      2024-01-10     0
He can make the dry parched ground of my soul to become a pool and my thirsty barren heart as springs of water. Yes he can make this habitation of dragons this heart which is so full of abominable lusts and fiery temptations to be a place of bounty and fruitfulness unto Himself

728      2024-01-10     0

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