Science (11)

it is noteworthy that a good deal of the opposition came not from wounded religious sensibilities but from common-sense objections arising from people's instinctive trust in everyday forms of logic. Ellegard reports that Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest, with its pictures of creatures constantly strained by overpopulation and sifted by an undending existential struggle, was commonly rejected on the basis that, more often than not, the habitat in which animals have been placed gives them a sufficiency of resources.Taking Leave of Darwin, 35

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To conclude, therefore, let no man out of weak conceit of sobriety, or in ill applied moderation, think or maintain, that a man can search too far or be too well studied in the book of God's word, or in the book of God's works.

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We must never think that the Christian base hindered science. Rather, the Christian base made modern science possible.How Should We Then Live, 152

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Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton and the early members of the Royal Society were religious men, who repudiated the sceptical doctrines of Hobbes. But they familiarized the minds of their countrymen with the idea of law in the Universe and with scientific methods of enquiry to discover truth. It was believed that these methods would never lead to any conclusions inconsistent with Biblical history and miraculous religion; Newton lived and died in that faithEnglish Social History (1942)

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In his later years, Newton wrote more about the Bible than about science, though little was published. Humanists have said that they wish he had spent all of his time on his science. They think he wasted the hours he expended on biblical study, but they really are a bit blind when they say this. As Whitehead and Oppenheimer stressed, if Newton and others had not had a biblical base, they would have had no base for their science at all.How Should We Then Live, 150

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New Quotes

Hindus and Buddhist sages were brilliant. They could have produced science. They didn't because a scientific interest in nature has to begin with the assumption that the world is real. That it is rational and valuable.This Book Changed Everything, 46

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A glass window stands before us. We raise our eyes and see the glass; we note its quality, and observe its defects; we speculate on its composition. Or we look straight through it on the great prospect of land and sea and sky beyond. So there are two ways of looking at the world. We may see the world and absorb ourselves in the wonder of nature. That is the scientific way. Or we may look right through the world and see God behind it . That is the religious way.Selected Shorter Writings - I

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because the early scientists believed that the world was created by a reasonable God, they were not surprised to discover that people could find out something true about nature and the universe on the basis of reason.How Should We Then Live?, 147

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The foundation for modern science can be said to have been laid at Oxford when scholars there attacked Thomas Aquinas's teaching by proving that his chief authority, Aristotle, made certain mistakes about natural phenomena.How Should We Then Live?, 144

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Most of the major figures who jump-started modern science were devout Christians—Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Boyle, Newton. In a 2003 study, sociologist Rodney Stark identified the fifty-two top "stars" who did groundbreaking work to launch the scientific revolution. Turning then to biographical documents, he discovered that all but two of them were Christian. Today many people assume that science and religion are inherently in conflict. But historians of science have turned that assumption upside down. Today most historians agree that the scientific outlook actually rests on fundamental concepts derived from a biblical view of nature. Consider, for example, the idea of "laws" in nature. Today that idea is so familiar that we consider it common sense. But historians tell us that no other culture—East or West, ancient or modern—has ever come up with the concept of laws in nature. It appeared for the first and only time in Europe during the Middle Ages, a period when its culture was thoroughly permeated with biblical assumptions. As historian A. R. Hall notes, the use of the word law in the context of natural events "would have been unintelligible in antiquity, whereas the Hebraic and Christian belief in a deity who was at once Creator and Lawgiver rendered it valid."

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