Tradition (9)

Tradition is normally used negatively by the Apostles, and when it is used positively it is referring to the singular message of the Gospel, not to a secret, hidden, or unwritten and undefined body of "non-public" revelation.(10:03)

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A slumbering faith is an inactive one. It is not exercised upon its appointed Objects nor performing its assigned tasks. It is neither drawing upon that fullness of grace which is available in Christ for His people, nor is it acting on the precepts and promises of the Word. Though there still be a mental assent to the Truth, yet the heart is no longer suitably affected by that which concerns practical godliness. Where such be the case a Christian will be governed more by tradition, sentiment, and fancy, rather than by gratitude, the fear of the Lord, and care to please Him

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We make the Holy Scriptures the canon and the rule of every dogma; we of necessity look upon that, and receive alone that which may be made conformable to the intention of those writings.On the Soul and Resurrection

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Vainly then do they run about with the pretext that they have demanded Councils for the faith's sake; for divine Scripture is sufficient above all thingsHistory of Councils, 6

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one of the earliest definitions of "ancient tradition" was limited to truths that are clearly taught in Scripture. This "tradition" of Irenaeus, which he claimed was found throughout the true churches, is not some extra-biblical concept but is a summary of Scripture's basic teachings.Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 203). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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Jesus taught that even those traditions the Jews believed came from Moses were to be subjected to correction by Scripture (Matthew 15: 1- 9; Mark 7: 5- 13).Exploring the Bible\'s Accuracy, Authority and Authenticity (p. 21). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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The creation of a professional celibate priesthood was the ultimate triumph of tradition over Scripture, and helps to explain why it was such a target for the Protestant Reformers in the sixteenth century. What is perhaps less well appreciated is that the priest so consecrated was believed to stand in the place of Christ in the church, performing a ministry analogous to hisGod Has Spoken, 790

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Hence the reason that we reject tradition, in which Rome seeks a complement for the Holy Scripture, is not because we deny that there is an abundance of material for a very interesting tradition, nor yet alone because we foster a just doubt concerning the reliability of this tradition, but rather because such a complement by tradition is antagonistic to the entire conception of Scripture. In that case the Holy Scripture would attain no higher value than of being itself a part of tradition.Principles of Sacred Theology, 404

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