It is important to realize what a difference a people's worldview makes in their strength as they are exposed to the pressure of life. That it was the Christians who were able to resist religious mixtures, syncretism, and the effects of the weakness of Roman culture speaks to the strength of the Christian worldview.How Should We Then Live, 19
Since Christ's purpose is the reconciling of all things to himself (Col. 1:20), the transformation of culture by faithfulness to the gospel and the total word of God applied to all of life is central to the Christian's calling.Mission of God, 366
we cannot distance ourselves from culture, or hide from it. We must understand its meaning and learn to think in biblical categories about it. Christ is over and transcends culture as creator, redeemer and king.Mission of God, 366
If giving our children a biblical worldview is the why of family driven faith, giving them biblical instruction is the what. Our worldview shapes the way we think, but learning and memorizing the Scriptures determine what we think.Family Driven Faith
just as a Roman bridge would cave in under the weight of a modern six-wheeled truck. Culture and the freedoms of people are fragile. Without a sufficient base, when such pressures come only time is needed--and often not a great deal of time--before there is a collapse.How Should We Then Live, 20
A Christian worldview is therefore a framework of assumptions about reality, all of which are in submission to Christ. A Christian worldview is not defined as a worldview held by someone who is a Christian.Future Men (p. 32). Canon Press. Kindle Edition.