October Featured Quotes

Quotes on Reformation  

The dominating principles [of the Reformation] was not, soteriologically, justification by faith, but in the widest sense cosmologically, the sovereignty of the Triune God over the whole cosmos, in all its spheres and kingdoms, visible and invisible.

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The biblical tradition rediscovered during the Reformation viewed theocracy and democracy as necessary compliments: human rule flowed from God's rule.The Mission of God, 121

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The reason why the reformation succeeded so well in Germany was because the peoples catechizing went along with Luther's preaching. It was laid as a charge upon masters of families, that they should catechize their children

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to Thomas Aquinas the will was fallen after man had revolted against God, but the mind was not. This eventually resulted in people believing they could think out the answers to all the great questions, beginning only from themselves. The Reformation, in contrast to Aquinas had a more biblical concept of the Fall.How Should We Then Live, 85

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Quotes on Spiritual Warfare  

When we fight the war for holiness. We recognize the demons are involved in that. But we are not called upon to name territorial spirits and rebuke the devil and satan. Please read Jude verse 9 and you'll stop doing that. Rather our task is to come before the Lord and to submit ourselves before the Holy Spirit and to invite him to fill us afresh to empower us. So we rely on Him and not on our own flesh. Sermon: I Believe in Satan (and Demons)

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Let us settle in our minds that the Christian fight is a good fight-really good, truly good, emphatically good. We see only part of it as yet. We see the struggle, but not the end; we see the campaign, but not the reward; we see the cross, but not the crown. We see a few humble, broken-spirited, penitent, praying people, enduring hardships and despised by the world; but we see not the hand of God over them, the face of God smiling on them, the kingdom of glory prepared for them. Holiness (Chapter 4)

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Pirates do not use to set upon poor empty vessels; and beggars need not fear the thief. Those that have most of God, and are most rich in grace� shall be most assaulted by Satan, who is the greatest and craftiest pirate in the world.

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our knowledge of the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers, and spiritual forces is limited to their existence and activity. We do not know precisely what they are nor what they do. It is therefore pointless to speculate in any detail about how these malevolent forces interact with us. There is no point trying to find "a demon under every rock." All we need to know is that they exist and they act. Believers must therefore be prepared for their opposition and aggression�however it may manifest.Pillar Commentary

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Quotes on Fear  

To fear man is natural; to fear God is wholly supernatural.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 20

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Are you afraid of a man, Christian, when devils are afraid of you? The world ought to fear you, seeing as you will judge it.

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Our immoderate love of life and its comforts and conveniences is another cause of sinful fear in times of danger. If we loved our lives less, we would fear and tremble less.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 42

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To the extent that our souls are empty of faith, they are filled with fear. We read of people who have died by no other cause than their fear. But we never read of anyone, once brought to life by faith, dying because of fear.Triumphing over Sinful Fear, 35

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Quotes on Sin  

there is something far more dreadful than physical calamity and suffering, namely, moral delinquency and spiritual apostasy. Alas, that this is so rarely perceived today!The Life of Elijah. Chapel Library.

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Do you mortify; do you make it your daily work; be always at it whilst you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you.Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers Chapter 2

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Do not lose lying in Abraham's bosom for now lying in Delilah's lap.

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Indeed there is no little sin because there is no little God to sin against.A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, 5:500

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Christ's first coming was so obscure, that it was scarce observed and understood by the world. The second will be so conspicuous and glorious as to be seen of all. In the former, he came in the form of a servant, and the contemptible appearance of a mean man; in the second, he cometh as the Lord and heir of all things, clothed with splendour and glory as with a garment.Works, Volume 10

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As the excellency of his nature giveth him a fitness and a sufficiency for the government of mankind, his creation, preservation, and other benefits give him a full right to make what laws he pleaseth, and to call man to an account whether he hath kept them, yea or no.Works, Volume 10

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He created us out of nothing; and being created, he preserveth us, and giveth us all the good things which we enjoy. And therefore we are obliged to be subject to him, and to obey his holy laws, and to be accountable to him for the breach of them.Works, Volume 10

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The gospel is most wickedly eclipsed while multitudes of petty "scholars" fret themselves how they might best teach the faith within a rigidly structured, accurate, methodical-philosophical form! A great multitude of errors have swarmed into the church through the reception of philosophy, like Greeks out of the belly of the Trojan horse...The clear fact is that the common, Aristotelian philosophy supplied sufficient materials for an infinity of quarrels and useless disputes. The facts shout out to heaven that our little, witty, chattering sophists, in their endless wrangling over the "articles of faith," are simply raking over the embers of Aristotle's philosophy, and in so doing they irritate the throne of Almighty God with legal quarrels and cheap tricks...It is a result of this that our theological libraries are packed full of weighty tomes, and our disputes are without end, and the most about matters, assertions and terms the Christian world would have done far better never to have heard of -and would not have heard of if they had not happened to enter the fertile brain of Aristotle so long ago! But the full catalog, the great Iliad of evils so produced, this is not the place to try to expound in detail.Biblical Theology: The History of Theology from Adam to Christ

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Neomorphs require genetic information, and information requires intelligence. Genetic information coding for exceedingly complex biological structures and systems requires intelligence of the highest order. If it is intelligence far beyond the capacity of the greatest human engineer, how can the scientific community say with impunity that it wasn't designed? If the creative Intelligence is beyond the physical realm, and if they can't see it, then it must not be. That kind of hubris takes the breath away.Darwin\'s Sandcastle: Evolution\'s Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence (p. 64). Roman Roads Press

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There are many other flavors of radiometric dating, but we need not go into all of them to grasp the take-home message. When geochronologists are attempting to discover the age of a particular rock, they must make three tenuous assumptions about the unobserved past. This puts the whole enterprise in the realm of forensic (historical) science�a type of science that, for obvious reasons, has a level of certainty much, much lower than can be obtained through empirical science. When we cross-check radiometric dates with rocks of known historical age and find that the radiometric date is ridiculously off the mark, that should give us pause about the reliability of geochronological results. Darwin\'s Sandcastle: Evolution\'s Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence (p. 40). Roman Roads Press

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Some might ask what the consensus of the church fathers was regarding the age of the earth. Overwhelmingly the church fathers believed in a young Earth. Thankfully, they didn't have the modern scientific community breathing down their necks. Some, ironically, use St. Augustine's view as precedent for not taking the creation week literally so that they can feel justified in taking an old-Earth view. Yes, St. Augustine wasn't literal but he actually believed that God created instantly and revealed it over the space of a week for our understanding, not over vast geological ages.2 So, to use St. Augustine to promote an old-Earth view is disingenuous because he actually believed in a slightly younger-Earth than typical young-Earth creationists.Darwin\'s Sandcastle: Evolution\'s Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence (p. 30). Roman Roads Press

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Some may object, saying that Genesis is not a science textbook. Young-Earth creationists don't claim it is! History books can communicate the idea of deep time. I don't know Hebrew, but I do know that King Asa went against an Ethiopian army of a million in 2 Chronicles 14:9, so apparently big numbers can be communicated in the Hebrew language.Darwin\'s Sandcastle: Evolution\'s Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence (p. 27). Roman Roads Press

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What was its intended meaning? Most people reading Genesis 1�11 don't walk away thinking that it spanned deep time. Translators chose the English word day for a reason. If the Hebrew authors wanted to convey the idea of vast amounts of time compatible with the secular geological narrative of Earth history, they have other, more appropriate words at their disposal. For instance, olam means a long duration of time.Darwin\'s Sandcastle: Evolution\'s Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence (p. 26-27). Roman Roads Press

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What does yom mean? Yom is the Hebrew word for "day" and has a similar semantic range as the English word day. It doesn't always mean a 24-hour solar day. It can mean just the daylight portion of the 24-hour period, or it can mean a generation or so, as when your Grandpa says, "in my day (generation) we put in an honest day's (daylight period) work." However, in the Old Testament the overwhelming majority of the time it means a regular solar day.Darwin\'s Sandcastle: Evolution\'s Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence (p. 25-26). Roman Roads Press

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Why are some evangelical pastors and theologians fearful of believing in a literal Adam, a global flood, and a relatively short time frame for all cosmic history? Do they really think it is untenable exegetically? They shouldn't.Darwin\'s Sandcastle: Evolution\'s Failure in the Light of Scripture and the Scientific Evidence (p. 22). Roman Roads Press

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What makes the Scriptures holy is not their historical accuracy or even their content, but the presence of God in them.God Is Love: A Biblical and Systematic Theology (p. 43). Crossway

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For Christians, this means taking God's moral law as our rule and God's incarnate Son as our model; this is where our analysis of holiness must startRediscovering Holiness

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The key to the Columbo tactic is to go on the offensive in an inoffensive way by using carefully selected questions to productively advance the conversation. Simply put, never make a statement, at least at first, when a question will do the job.Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions

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True maturity means learning how to disagree in an aggressive fashion, yet still maintaining a peaceful harmony in the church. Koukl, Gregory. Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions (p. 34)

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Somehow we have come to believe that children are a burden instead of a blessing. If our churches are going to stem the tide of cultural and moral decay, we must change our disposition toward children. We decry the work of abortionists but seldom say a word to the intentionally childless couples who slay even the possibility of life in the womb.Family Driven Faith

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