Quote 1392

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Why is discipline important? Discipline teaches us to operate by principle rather than desire. Saying no to our impulses (even the ones that are not inherently sinful) puts us in control of our appetites rather than vice versa. It deposes our lust and permits truth, virtue, and integrity to rule our minds instead.

1K      2023-12-26     0
God could have sent angels to preach to the lost. He could have sent angels to shepherd His flock. He could have sent angels to father our families, but He didn't. Instead, He sent sinful men, so stop being timid and trying to hide at work, out in your garage, or on your computer.Daddy Tried, 188

0.9K      2018-06-09     0
cross words aren't an indication of a bad marriage. They're an indication that the marriage is between two sinners. Also that there are times when we have to work things through in such a way that we get messy.Daddy Tried, 187

1.1K      2018-06-09     0
Bad city fathers--judges, senators, mayors, and presidents--have caused many to turn to the political philosophy of libertarianism, the doctrine that the less authority the government has, the better. There are similar positions held by many with respect to the home and church. Since they've experienced and seen men use their authority to the destruction of those under their authority, they oppose all authority. Women abused by their dads marry weak men. Christians who have been members of a church where the pastor or elders were destructive join churches where the pastor and elders do not exercise authority. Such men and women need to learn a basic truth that's appropriate to remember everywhere in life: the abuse of a thing does not invalidate its proper use.Daddy Tried, 173-174

1K      2018-06-09     0
Discipline is love. To neglect discipline is to be loveless. When God disciplines us, He is bearing testimony-precious testimony-that we are His sons. We belong to Him and He loves us.Daddy Tried, 108

1K      2018-06-03     0
It is not advantageous to correct in secret an error which occurred publicly.

1.1K      2012-02-06     0

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