Quote 2614

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Evil practices should also be zealously opposed, whether they appear in ourselves or others.

629      2024-02-26     2
It is the duty of every Christian to be zealous for Jesus Christ.

562      2024-02-25     2
Christ is in both life and death the Christian's most needed and only satisfying advantage.The Efficiency of God’s Grace

889      2024-02-25        1
If your zeal grows dull, you will not pray well in the pulpit; you will pray worse in the family, and worst in the study alone. When your soul becomes lean, your hearers, without knowing how or why, will find that your prayers in public have little savour for them; they will feel your barrenness, perhaps, before you perceive it yourself.Lectures to My Students (Kindle Locations 191-194). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

1K      2017-03-12     1
would it not be a commendable Christian compassion to save such with godly fear, pulling them out of the fire, and rather scorch them with the flame of zeal, then give them liberty to go securely to hell (Jude 23)

586      2024-02-25     0
Roman Catholic doctrine and the Pope's teaching is an abomination which brings desolation.

524      2024-02-25     0
It is incumbent on ministers to stand as zealous champions for the doctrines of God's grace.The Zealous Christian

628      2024-02-25     0
Those who deny the Deity of Christ, the authority of the Holy Scripture, their obligation to the Moral Law, etc., forsake Christ.The Zealous Christian

879      2024-02-25     0
God's regenerating power is greater than the strength of the world, hell, or man's wicked heart; he can draw the worst sinners to Christ.The Zealous Christian

561      2024-02-25     0
Neutrality in spiritual things is an infallible demonstration of a graceless heartThe Zealous Christian

764      2024-02-25     0
The house of the godly is a little church; just as the house of the wicked is a little hell.

654      2024-02-25     0
All men in their natural condition are absent and at a distance from Christ. This is apparent because "coming" premises "absence.

789      2024-02-25     0
Are you clear what zeal is? It is not fanaticism; it is not wildness; it is not irresponsible enthusiasm; it is not any form of push egoism. It is, rather, a humble, revent, businesslike, single-minded commitment to the hallowing of God's name and the doing of his will.A Passion for Faithfulness

1.2K      2012-06-06     0

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