Judge (10)

The verdict of the final judgement is declared in advance for those who belong to Jesus Christ, and on the day of judgement that verdict will be proclaimed to the world. What is remarkable is that believers enjoy now the end-time verdict. Believers have assurance of salvation by faith alone because the verdict of the final day is already theirs!Faith Alone by Thomas Schreiner Copyright ©2015 by Schreiner. Used by permission of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. www.harpercollinschristian.com, 152

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Dost thou believe that thou canst not be saved but by the death of Christ? The sick man answereth, Yes. Then let it be said unto him, Go to then, and whilst thy soul abideth in thee, put all thy confidence in this death alone. Place thy trust in no other thing. Commit thyself wholly to this death. Cover thyself wholly with this alone. Cast thyself wholly on His death. Wrap thyself wholly in this death. And if God would judge thee, say, "Lord, I place the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between me and Thy judgment; and otherwise I will not contend with Thee." And if He shall say unto thee that thou art a sinner, say, "I place the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between me and my sins." If He shall say unto thee that thou hast deserved damnation, say, "Lord, I put the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between Thee and all my sins; and I offer His merits for my own, which I should have and have not." If He say that He is angry with thee, say, "Lord, I place the death of our Lord Jesus Christ between me and Thy anger."

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there are few things stressed more strongly in the Bible than the reality of God's work as Judge. Knowing God (God the Judge, 152)

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False teachers are God's judgment on people who don't want God but in the name of religion plan on getting everything their carnal heart desires. That's why a Joel Osteen is raised up. Those people who sit under him are not victims of him, he is the judgment of God upon them, because they want exactly what he wants, and it's not God. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWMrKcFKqzk

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there is a general connection between the extent to which a society as a whole obeys God's absolute moral standard and the degree to which they enjoy His blessings. There is no other true standard of right and wrong, and there fore there is no other way to live.Law and Gospel

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Correction is only seen as "judgement" to those who still love their sin.

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In our culture, divine judgement is one of Christianity's most offensive doctrines. The Reason for God (69)

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People who do not actually read the Bible confidently assure us that when we move from the Old Testament to the New, the theme of divine judgment fades into the background; but if we examine the New Testament, even in the most cursory way, we find at once that the Old Testament emphasis on God's action as Judge, far from being reduced is actually intensified. Knowing God (God as Judge, 155)

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why is is that even Christians get in God's face about their suffering? I'm going to offend so many people, but we don't have a right to get in God's face for anything! For anything! God can do you no wrong if He tortures you every day for the rest of eternity, He does you no wrong. So you're having a good day right now, because you're not in hell. And that's ABSOLUTELY true!http://www.desiringgod.org/resource-library/conference-messages/suffering-for-the-gospel-q-a

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