Righteousness (18)

Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace, because He takes away sin; and you and I are workers for peace when we preach His Gospel, which is the Gospel of peace just because it is the Gospel of deliverance from sin. Sin means war, and where sin is, there will war be. Righteousness means peace, and there can never be peace where righteousness has not first been realized.Faith and Life

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"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."

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Historically, Roman Catholics have defended the notion that the righteousness that saves us on the day of judgement is infused, while Protestants have maintained that the righteousness that delivers us from God's wrath is imputed.26, Faith Alone by Thomas Schreiner Copyright ©2015 by Schreiner. Used by permission of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. www.harpercollinschristian.com

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The task of the preacher, therefore, is to take the Bible and to do two things in every sermon: destroy self-righteousness and point hearers toward the alien, external righteousness of Christ.Luther on the Christian Life: Cross and Freedom

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Yield your bodies and all their members, as well as your souls and all their faculties, as instruments of righteousness to God. Devote and employ all you have, and all you are, entirely, unreservedly, and forever, to his glory.

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The concern of God's word is with impartial justice and with righteousness. Nowhere does God permit partiality in men's dealings with men based on their economic status; such an attitude is a perversion of justice.

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In the Bible, the original meaning of the word justice is coextensive with righteousness, so they are interchangeable or related themes that often come together in the same verse (Ps. 33:5; Job 37:23). They are related terms because justice is an aspect of God's righteous character, as are mercy and compassion.Mission of God, 6.3

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as the Greek lexicons show, fulfilment certainly denotes that Christ is the object (end) of the law and the prophets; he is also the perfect manifestation of its requirements, and as the Lord and giver of the law, he has also come to implement and put into force his law.The Mission of God, 96

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New Quotes

[Christ's] deity was necessary for three reasons: (1) to support His humanity in bearing the infinite wrath of God; (2) to put an infinite value on the merits of the Mediator; and (3) only a divine person is able to bring about righteousness for so many.

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This is one of the greatest mysteries in the world; namely, that a righteousness that resides with a person in heaven should justify me, a sinner, on earth!

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No one can serve righteousness unless he has first been liberated by the power and kindness of God from the tyranny of sin.

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In the OT, the plural form of the word righteousness (sidqot) designates God's saving righteousness, his deliverance of his people. The singular noun (sedaqa) is often used with parallel terms like "faithful love," "truth," and "salvation." Still, God's righteousness shouldn't be collapsed into these other terms, as if they all mean exactly the same thing. There is still the notion of "rightness" and "righteousness" in the term, even when it describes God's saving righteousness.Faith Alone by Thomas Schreiner Copyright ©2015 by Schreiner. Used by permission of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. www.harpercollinschristian.com, 152

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Imputed righteousness means that we are declared to be in the right before God on the basis of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, which is given to us when we believe. Infused righteousness means that we are righteous before God because of our righteous behavior, because of the righteousness that transforms and changes us.Sola Fide, 26

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It is only when the world shall come to know the Lord and obey Him, that the peace of God can settle down upon it. We may cry, "Peace, peace," and there be no peace. But he who cries, "Righteousness, righteousness," will find that he has brought peace to the earth in precisely the measure in which he has brought righteousness.Faith and Life

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He works best for the world's peace who works for the world's righteousness.Faith and Life

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The fact that he judges all things in heaven and earth implies that his standards are the highest standards of righteousness.Systematic Theology

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The older theologians made a number of distinctions within God's righteousness that can be presented in a Ramist outline: 1. Internal (God's moral excellence) 2. External (the rectitude of his conduct) a. rectoral or legislative (promulgating just laws for his creatures) b. distributive (administering rewards and punishments) i. remunerative (distribution of reward) ii. retributive (distribution of punishment)"Systematic Theology

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