Simplicity (4)

As a simple being, God is graciousness is mercy is patience is love is goodness. He is all these things all the time with all attributes in perfect harmony. All the attributes of God must harmonize with one another in our conception of God, or else the God in our minds is not the true God.God Is, 33

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He is a simple, uncompounded Being, without diverse members, and altogether like, and equal to himself, since He is wholly understanding, and wholly spirit, and wholly thought, and wholly intelligence, and wholly reason, and wholly hearing, and wholly seeing, and wholly light, and the whole source of all that is good.

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it is called simple because it is what it possesses, except that each person is named relative to another, but is not the other. For it is true that the Father has a Son, in relation to whom he is named, yet he is not the Son; and the Son has a Father, yet he himself is not the Father. But in what is said in regard to himself, apart from his relation to the other, he is what he possesses. Thus, in having life, he is called alive with regard to himself, and he is the very life which is in him. It is for this reason that this nature is called simple, because there is no distinction between the one who possesses and the thing which is possessed, as is the case in all other things. For the liquid's container is not the liquid, and the body is not its colour, and the soul is not wisdomCity of God, Book 11

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