State (5)

Her position in the state is not assigned her by the permission of the government, but Jure divino. She has her own organization. She possesses her own office-bearers... the sovereignty of the state and the sovereignty of the church exist side by side, and they mutually limit each other.

1.6K      2020-12-15     0
Calvinism protests against state-omnipresence; against the horrible conception that no right exists above and beyond existing laws; and against the pride of absolutism.

1.5K      2020-12-15     0
We must ever watch against the danger which lurks, for our personal liberty, in the power of the state.

1.5K      2020-12-14     0
If to be absent from the body for me is to be with the Lord - still "in Christ" and "living together with him" as I am already now - then I must exist between my death and the resurrection. Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting

1K      2016-04-04     0

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