Quote 2557

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it is common for modern preachers to use the proverbial "we" in an effort to place themselves, humbly it is thought, within the mass of those needing the same message. Although there is a nugget of truth to this modern approach, it nevertheless undermines the basic essence of preaching--the prophetic.Deep Discipleship, 24

2K      2024-01-03     3
Without any law or limits on abortion since the 1988 Morgentaler Supreme Court decision, Canada is the only democracy in the world without legal protections for the pre-born.Deep Discipleship, 147

587      2024-02-18     1
If past history is any indication, a Two Kingdoms or non-political approach to gospel engagement will fail in future days of tribulation. And not only will it fail in extending Christ's kingdom, i twill also fail to keep the church faithful to GodDeep Discipleship, 183

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Although most Neo-Calvinists uphold the idea of natural law, they view it as an insufficient means of properly ordering the world because of the darkening of man's heart and mind. And so we need God's word in every sphere, not only in the church.Deep Discipleship, 181

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The Two Kingdoms view, currently espoused and championed by David VanDrunen and Michael Horton, more greatly emphasizes the distinction between the sacred and the secular; Christ rules the redeemed church through Scripture, whereas God rules the created world through natural law, to which all people have access. In this view, each believer belongs to two kingdoms - the (common) kingdom of the world and the (spiritual) kingdom of Christ.

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Not every sin requires public protest. But every sin requires an abhorrence of it, and a distancing of ourselves from it in the fear of God and His judgement.Deep Discipleship, 165

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The father who drives his teenage daughter to the abortion clinic thinking "she will do it anyway;" the son who holds his mother's hand while she undergoes a euthanasia procedure; the nurse who hands the needle to the doctor performing the act; they are all complicit in murder.Deep Discipleship, 164

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Our projects may seem to work and to succeed for some time. However, if the work is not for the purpose of glorifying God, and is instead about making a name or a kingdom for ourselves, in the end the work will fail, or as the apostle Paul states, burn (1 Cor 3:13)Deep Discipleship, 136

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what occurs so often in Christian organizations is the opposite. Instead of drawing unbelievers by how we conduct our affairs, including how God supplies abundantly for our needs, so many organizations import methods from the world, and rely upon government money grants. This is a subtly dangerous relationship from which it may be almost impossible for an institution to extricate itself - the proverbial fly caught in the spiderweb.Deep Discipleship, 132-133

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there was a period of religious awakening in Scotland from 1859 to 1863 following the New York prayer meetings started by Jeremiah Lamphier. In these years, revivals were sparked in certain towns by the public prayers of teenagers, countless prayer meetings were started and maintained for children by other children, entire classrooms and Sabbath schools turned to the Lord under forceful conviction, and children led their parents to the Lord. There are accounts of young boys leading family worship where the father was unwilling, and of girls enduring beatings at home in order to attend prayer meetings or revival services.

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It is clear that sexual and gender identities now trump family identity. The state is not only increasingly pitting these two forces against each other, but it seems ready and willing to step in and enforce the subjugation of the family to the autonomous sexual self.

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Denominations and Christian organizations have often failed to state that procreation is a definitive part of marriage. Marriage ought to be many things - exclusive and permanent among them. But is the procreative nature inherent in heterosexual coupling that is marriage's defining characteristic.Deep Discipleship, 97

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It is tempting to be awed and overwhelmed by the memorization capabilities of past generations. According to Pliny the Elder, Lucius Scipio could name all the citizens of Rome. The early church would not admit anyone into church office that did not have the Psalms memorized.Deep Discipleship for Dark Days, 88

642      2024-02-17     0
Your mind is under constant bombardment. This is not by accident. It is a strategic assault by the forces of evil, in the knowledge that the mind is what John Calvin called the "citadel" to the soul, the pre-eminent part of man set by his Creator to be the control hub for his entire life.Deep Discipleship, 82

625      2024-01-03     0
arguably the three most renowned sexologists of the last couple decades--Ray Blanchard, Michael Bailey, and Ken Zucker--oppose the affirmation-only paradigm for treater gender dysphoria which has now almost completely overtaken medical and psychological practice in North America.Deep Discipleship, 80

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The modelling and predictions by now-disgraced UK mathematical epidemiologist Neil Ferguson were largely responsible for severe world-wide lockdowns.Deep Discipleship, 19-20

580      2024-01-03     0
In the late '60s, Paul Ehrlich wrote in The Population Bomb, that "the battle to feed all humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.Deep Discipleship, 19

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