Quote 345

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You are required to believe, to preach, and to teach what the Bible says is true, not what you want the Bible to say is true. Chosen by God, p. 12

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God is never, never, never obligated to be merciful to sinners. That is the point we must stress if we are to grasp the full measure of God's grace.Chosen by God (26)

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we live in what may be the most anti-intellectual period in the history of Western civilization. "Burning Hearts Are Not Nourished by Empty Heads", Christianity Today (Sep 3 1982)

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For a work to be considered good it must not only conform outwardly to the law of God, but it must be motivated inwardly by a sincere love for GodChosen by God, 107

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Here, then, is the real problem of our negligence. We fail in our duty to study God's Word not so much because it is difficult to understand, not so much because it is dull and boring, but because it is work. Our problem is not a lack of intelligence or a lack of passion. Our problem is that we are lazy. Knowing Scripture (Page 20)

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Faith is not believing in God; it's believing God.

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Bee-masters tell us, that they are the best hives which make the greatest noise; so that conscience is the best which makes the greatest noise in daily reasonings and debates before it's own bar.

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When I think I am unfairly hated, I try to remember that I am unfairly loved.

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The universe is no democracy. It is a monarchy. God himself has appointed his beloved Son as the preeminent King. Jesus does not rule by referendum, but by divine right. In the future every knee will bow before him, either willingly or unwillingly. Those who refuse to do so will have their knees broken with a rod of iron.

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If there is no sanctification, it means that there never was any justification.

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People in awe never complain that church is boring.

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To know that God knows everything about me and yet loves me is indeed my ultimate consolation.

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If a person who is still in the flesh, who is not yet reborn by the power of the Holy Spirit, can incline or dispose himself to Christ, what good is rebirth? This is the fatal flaw of non-Reformed views.Chosen by God (55)

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When the Christian looks every night for the coming of God's deputy, his conscience, to spy and search into his heart and life... it will be a special means to make him watchful over his ways, and exact in his carriage and conversation.

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God has entrusted to us the ministry of the Word, not its results.

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Death reminds us that we are creatures. Yet as fearsome as death is, it is nothing compared with meeting a holy God. When we encounter him, the totality of our creatureliness breaks upon us and shatters the myth that we have believed about ourselves, the myth that we are demigods, junior-grade deities who will try to live forever.

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The problem we face is that the word holy is foreign to all languages. No dictionary is adequate to the task.

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If we despise the justice of God, we are not Christians.

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The Christian life is a life of non-conformity.

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God answered Job's questions not with words but with himself.

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No matter how much injustice I have suffered from the hands of other people, I have never suffered the slightest injustice from the hand of God.

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God does not always act with justice. Sometimes he acts with mercy. Mercy is not justice, but it also is not injustice. Injustice violates righteousness. Mercy manifests kindness and grace and does no violence to righteousness. We may see nonjustice in God, which is mercy, but we never see injustice in God.

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When there's something in the Word of God that I don't like, the problem is not with the Word of God. It's with me.

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As soon as we think God owes us mercy, we're not thinking about mercy any more.

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A god who is all love, all grace, all mercy, no sovereignty, no justice, no holiness, and no wrath is an idol.

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