Penology (7)

Justice in the Bible means restitution to a very great degree. Restitution and restoration are the essence of justice. The prison system as an answer to the problem of crime is a modern and anti-biblical scheme: it does nothing to further either restitution or restoration and accomplishes little other than removing the criminal from society temporarily. It does not remedy crime nor does it remedy the criminal, as it purports to do.

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Despite Canadian pride in our peacefulness, according to the UN international comparisons, Canada has a rate of police-reported criminal incidents among the highest in the world - almost double that of the United States. Furthermore, our failure to punish incorrigible violent offenders and murderers with the biblically-required death penalty (Gen. 9:5-6; Num. 35:16; Deut.21:18-21), in the name of 'rehabilitation' and an enlightened 'humaneness' has led to rampant evil.Mission of God, 345

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We coddle the criminal today and thereby show little care for the victim. At the same time we legally murder tens of thousands of unborn babies every year (right up to term in Canada as we are without any abortion law) and want to practice infanticide, euthanize the elderly and assist depressed people to commit suicide with a physician. Clearly then, the ending of life is not the real objection to capital punishment; we appear anxious to end innocent life in any number of ways - we just don't want to punish the guilty.Mission of God, 344

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So soon as God had set up political government among his people, Israel, he gave them a body of laws for judgment, both in civil and criminal causes. These were brief and fundamental principles, yet withal so full and comprehensive as out of them clear deductions were to be drawn to all particular cases in future times.Massachusetts Code 1648

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May the Lord grant the shepherds of his people the gift of not wanting to seem wiser than God, or more clement and humane, so that they may at length see what a pleasing sacrifice it is to God and how necessary and how effective a remedy against the deadly disease of mankind it is to impose just punishments on godless, criminal, and wicked men.

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But since no one can describe an approach more equitable and wholesome to the commonwealth than that which God describes in his law, it is certainly the duty of all kings and princes who recognize that God has put them over his people that they follow most studiously his own method of punishing evildoers.

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