Punishment (4)

Despite Canadian pride in our peacefulness, according to the UN international comparisons, Canada has a rate of police-reported criminal incidents among the highest in the world - almost double that of the United States. Furthermore, our failure to punish incorrigible violent offenders and murderers with the biblically-required death penalty (Gen. 9:5-6; Num. 35:16; Deut.21:18-21), in the name of 'rehabilitation' and an enlightened 'humaneness' has led to rampant evil.Mission of God, 345

1.5K      2021-03-29     0
We coddle the criminal today and thereby show little care for the victim. At the same time we legally murder tens of thousands of unborn babies every year (right up to term in Canada as we are without any abortion law) and want to practice infanticide, euthanize the elderly and assist depressed people to commit suicide with a physician. Clearly then, the ending of life is not the real objection to capital punishment; we appear anxious to end innocent life in any number of ways - we just don't want to punish the guilty.Mission of God, 344

1.5K      2021-03-29     0
As God prepared some for punishment from eternity, so he prepared others for glory.The Sentences Book 1, Dist 47

1.3K      2016-06-19     0

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