Quote 2254

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To pursue union at the expense of truth is treason to the Lord Jesus.

6.9K      2011-08-17        33
Ironically, the insistence that doctrines do not matter is really a doctrine itself. The Reason for God (8)

4.8K      2011-08-07     13
The question to be asked of all teaching is not, 'Is it new?' but 'Is it true?

1.5K      2024-05-07     10
we live in what may be the most anti-intellectual period in the history of Western civilization. "Burning Hearts Are Not Nourished by Empty Heads", Christianity Today (Sep 3 1982)

2.7K      2011-08-07     9
Without absolutes revealed from God Himself, we are left rudderless in a sea of conflicting ideas.

1.7K      2024-04-27     8
Bad theology kills. So get rid of the adjective, not the noun. Ditch the bad. Keep the theology. Proclaiming A Cross-Centered Theology (26)

2.1K      2011-08-07        8
In reality, it is not the Puritan mind that is suffering from an over-realized eschatology, it is surely the two kingdoms theorists who suffer from an under-realized soteriology! Salvation is limited to personal salvation and does not have the kingdom of God in view for history.Mission of God, 385

1.5K      2021-03-31        5
Brothers, for the sake of the truth, and for the good of your people, and for the glory of God in the world, don't confuse timid uncertainty with truthful humility. Brothers, We are Not Professionals (166)

3.2K      2011-08-07     5
We cannot know like God knows (archetypal), but we can know as God wants and allows and helps us to know (ectypal). Proclaiming A Cross-Centered Theology (32)

2K      2011-08-07     5
Truth must be spoken, though the greatest on earth be offended.Drink Deeply: Meditations from the Fountain of Life

1K      2024-06-11     4
There is nothing more unloving than to be silent in the face of lies that will ruin another person.Dug Down Deep (221)

2K      2011-11-18     3
God is not at a distance from history, uninvolved and on the periphery, an interested spectator or distant 'first cause;' rather he is governing all things by his providence and wisdom.

0.9K      2024-01-26     2
Either God exists or he does not. There is no middle ground. Both cannot be true. No amount of philosophical trickery can hide from the greatest antithesis of them all ... We cannot leave this question for the intellectuals, scientists, philosophers and theologians alone ... We must answer it for ourselves.

824      2024-01-26     2
The laws of the Bible, outside the Ten Commandments, are case laws, and I have been arguing that largely, the Reformed faith has viewed it as the duty of the Christian ruler to extend the equity of these cases to cover whatever details they find in their own society.Mission of God, 343

1.4K      2021-03-29     2
We can no longer afford to be pious functional deists as Christians who regard God as no longer active in history to judge & bless nations in terms of obedience to the gospel & who, whilst speaking of biblical inspiration deny its material authority & application in the world.

1.4K      2021-10-12     1
Law is the condition of life in God's world. All things are governed by his law-word. All civil law is the legislation of somebodies morality. There is no neutral law. Do you want the righteous law of God, inscribed in stone by the very finger of God, or the tyrannical law of sinful man? Take your pick and live with the consequences.https://x.com/DrJoeBoot/status/1806717057435603010

43      2024-06-28     0
It's hard to convince people that the loving God they can't see sacrificed His Son for sinners & calls them too repentance to escape the wrath to come, when a church they can see celebrates & indulges the very sins that sent His Son to the cross.

762      2024-02-06     0
We are all in such a hurry, we want everything at once. We believe that all truth can be stated in a few minutes. The answer to that is that it cannot.

1.5K      2024-01-26     0
St. Augustine was a North African theologian lying at the root of biblical Protestant European theology. Karl Marx was a German/Prussian lying at the root of woke & liberation theology. Whose minds are being colonized by so-called "whiteness" - whatever that means.

1.2K      2021-07-22     0
Since Christ's purpose is the reconciling of all things to himself (Col. 1:20), the transformation of culture by faithfulness to the gospel and the total word of God applied to all of life is central to the Christian's calling.Mission of God, 366

1.2K      2021-03-30     0
we cannot distance ourselves from culture, or hide from it. We must understand its meaning and learn to think in biblical categories about it. Christ is over and transcends culture as creator, redeemer and king.Mission of God, 366

1.2K      2021-03-30     0
The example of Oliver Cromwell shows that Christian withdrawal from politics on the ground that no good can be achieved is an abdication of God-given responsibility which ensures the short-term triumph of ungodliness.Mission of God, 359

1.2K      2021-03-30     0
What then is the end in view for biblical penology? It is a vision of social peace, and hope for a godly culture that is surrendered to the righteousness and justice of a covenant-keeping God, whose great love is made manifest by the restitution effected by Christ's redemptive work, and his grade expressed socially in a system of restorative justice where human flourishing within self-giving community can take place.Mission of God, 354

1.2K      2021-03-30     0
Despite Canadian pride in our peacefulness, according to the UN international comparisons, Canada has a rate of police-reported criminal incidents among the highest in the world - almost double that of the United States. Furthermore, our failure to punish incorrigible violent offenders and murderers with the biblically-required death penalty (Gen. 9:5-6; Num. 35:16; Deut.21:18-21), in the name of 'rehabilitation' and an enlightened 'humaneness' has led to rampant evil.Mission of God, 345

1.5K      2021-03-29     0
We coddle the criminal today and thereby show little care for the victim. At the same time we legally murder tens of thousands of unborn babies every year (right up to term in Canada as we are without any abortion law) and want to practice infanticide, euthanize the elderly and assist depressed people to commit suicide with a physician. Clearly then, the ending of life is not the real objection to capital punishment; we appear anxious to end innocent life in any number of ways - we just don't want to punish the guilty.Mission of God, 344

1.5K      2021-03-29     0

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