John Newton (30)

Upon this head I cannot but lament how universally, almost, education is suited, and as it were designed, to add to the stimulus of depraved nature. Letters to a Nobleman

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All that appears great and interesting in the present life, abstracted from its influence upon our internal character, and our everlasting allotment, will soon be as unreal as the visions of the night.Letters to a Nobleman

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That which finally evidences a proper call, is a correspondent opening in providence, by a gradual train of circumstances pointing out the means, the time, the place, of actually entering upon the work.

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Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Saviour.

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Oh the excellency of the knowledge of Christ! It will be growing upon us through time, yea, I believe, through eternity.

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Labored explications of the Trinity I always avoid. I am afraid of darkening counsel by words without knowledge.

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In such cases, I think hearers should be careful not to be prejudiced against a doctrine, merely because it is not well supported; for perhaps it is capable of solid proof, though the preacher was not so happy as to hit upon that which was most suitable; and extempore preachers may sometimes hope for a little allowance upon this head, from the more candid part of their auditory, and not be made offenders for an inadvertence which they cannot perhaps always avoid in the hurry of speaking.

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Afflictions quicken us to prayer. It is a pity it should be so; but experience testifies, that a long course of ease and prosperity, without painful changes—has an unhappy tendency to make us cold and formal in our secret worship. But troubles rouse our spirits, and constrain us to call upon the Lord in good earnest—when we feel a need of that help which we only can have from his almighty arm.

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Afflictions likewise strengthen us—by the exercise our graces. As our limbs and natural powers would be feeble if not called to daily exertion—so the graces of the Spirit would languish, without something which was provided to draw them out to use.

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Lastly, afflictions are honorable, as they advance our conformity to Jesus our Lord, who was a man of sorrows for our sake. Methinks, if we might go to heaven without suffering, we would be unwilling to desire it. Why should we ever wish to go by any other path to heaven—than that which Jesus has consecrated and endeared, by his own example?

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We often complain of our losses; but the expression is rather improper. Strictly speaking, we can lose nothing, because we have no real property in anything. Our earthly comforts are all lent to us by our good and gracious God; and when recalled, we ought to return and resign them with thankfulness—to Him who has let them remain so long in our hands! But, as I said above, I do not mean to enlarge in this strain.

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The little losses and changes we meet with in our way through life—are designed to remind us of, and prepare us for the great change which awaits us at the end of it. May the Lord grant that we may find His mercy in that solemn hour!

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That evil spirits can, when permitted, disturb, distress, and defile us, I know, as well as I know that the fire can burn me

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The fear of man, under the name of prudence, like a chilling frost nips everything in the bud.

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New Quotes

A man learns to preach by learning to acquire confidence, not in himself, but in his cause, and in him in whose name he speaks.

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All must be left soon; for all below is polluted, and in its best state is too scanty to afford us happiness.

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I well know, that the little measure of knowledge I have obtained in the things of God has not being owing to my own wisdom and docility, but to his goodness.

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Sooner shall a tender mother sit inattentive to her crying infant than Jesus be an unconcerned spectator of his suffering children.

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Clearly to understand the distinction, connection and harmony between the Law and the Gospel, and their mutual subserviency to illustrate and establish each other, is a singular privilege, and a happy means of preserving the soul from being entangled by errors on the right hand or the left

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Prosperity may cause us to rise in the world, but affliction is needful to raise us above the world.

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There is one political maxim which comforts me: 'The Lord reigns.'

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No storms, assaults, sieges, or pestilences, can hurt us, till we have filled up his appointed measure of service; and when our work is done, and he has ripened us for glory, it is no great matter by what means he is pleased to call us home to himself.

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A lively impression of his love, or of his sufferings for us, or of the glories within the veil, accompanied with a due sense of the misery from which we are redeemed; these thoughts will enable us to be not only submissive, but even joyful, in tribulations.

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It is with good reason the Lord challenges, as his own prerogative, the full knowledge of the deceitfulness, desperate wickedness, and latent depths of the human heart, which is capable of making even his own people so shamefully in-consistent with themselves, and with their acknowledged principles. Letters to a Nobleman

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It is necessary that our sharpest trials should sometimes spring from our dearest comforts, else we should be in danger of forgetting ourselves and setting up our rest here.

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When I get to heaven, I shall see three wonders there; the first will be to see many people there that I did not expect to see; the second, to miss many that I did expect to see; and the third, and greatest wonder of all, will be to find myself there. Prosise, Ron. Preaching Illustrations from Church History (Kindle Locations 1922-1924). Kindle Edition.

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If you account him a believer, though greatly mistaken in the subject of debate between you, the words of David to Joab, concerning Absalom, are very applicable: "Deal gently with him for my sake." The Lord loves him and bears with him; therefore you must not despise him, or treat him harshly. The Lord bears with you likewise, and expects that you should shew tenderness to others, from a sense of the much forgiveness you need yourself. In a little while you will meet in heaven; he will then be dearer to you than the nearest friend you have upon earth is to you now. Anticipate that period in your thoughts; and though you may find it necessary to oppose his errors, view him personally as a kindred soul, with whom you are to be happy in Christ for ever.

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As to your opponent, I wish, that, before you set pen to paper against him, and during the whole time you are preparing your answer, you may commend him by earnest prayer to the Lord's teaching and blessing. This practice will have a direct tendency to conciliate your heart to love and pity him; and such a disposition will have a good influence upon every page you write.

Farewell world, thy gold is dross. Now I see the bleeding cross. Jesus died to set me free, From the law and sin and thee. He has dearly bought my soul, Lord accept and claim the whole. To Thy will I all resign, Now no more my own but Thine.Hymn

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